This is what the experts and users of Replica4D are saying.

Asia's Got Talent Golden Buzzer Digital Magician
It’s absolutely brilliant! By far the best object from phone app! I just fell in love with this app. Holy Cow. I’m so excited!!!

Feature Film Animator, Author, Magic Creator
Replica4D is the best app if you want to make something appear from your phone. The objects look so real and the ability to customize how and where it’s coming from is awesome.

TV Magician, Consultant, Inventor, App Creator
The app is freaking amazing. Super smart. It’s so good! The realism and amount of customizability is beyond anything ever made.

Leading UK Digital Magician
I’m loving this app. I love that this app isn’t available on the app store!

FISM World Champion Magician
You are genius!!! I’m soooo proud you!^_^. Soooo cool!

Leading Corporate Magician, Mentalist
There is a large learning curve ...but it’s worthwhile. Great application!
Review Shows
Wizard Magic Review
"As magic apps go I don’t think it gets any better than this! I have to give this 100%." -David Penn, Wizard Magic Review Replica4D gets the incredibly rare triple 100% rating by David, Wayne, and Sean. It's also "App of the month".
Screen recording of Wizard Magic Review. Link to source.
Real Magic Review
"It looks incredible, it’s great fun, very magical, it’s the magic app for people who aren’t into magic apps" -Steve Faulkner, Real Magic Review
Review by Steve Faulkner. Link to source.
Roo's Reviews
"Replica4D is the best magic app I've seen." -Rooster Robertson, Roo's Reviews
Review by Roo. Link to source.
All testimonials were provided unsolicited, without compensation, and are shown here with permission.